086 8469151
Neuro Developmental Therapy
NDT is a non-invasive programme of movements which aims to improve the physical foundations of learning, emotional regulation, balance and coordination for your child or teenager. It can help to address challenging behaviours such as excessive anxiety, learning difficulties and poor coordination.

Have you, maybe your Childs teacher or perhaps another family member observed or have a growing concern for any of the following in your child
Emotional Regulation
Learning and Concentration
Social Interaction
Excessive Anxiety
Coordination/Balance/Motor Skills
Struggling to sit still / Hyperactivity
Maybe you have been at times wondering why, or your Childs teacher has spoken to you about their confusion as to why your child has difficulty learning a skill that seems like it should be well within their capability. They sense that something is not right, but can't identify a specific problem. Children in turn frequently develop compensatory mechanisms to mask the underlying challenge.
These are frequent comments I hear and very often from parents who notice something not quite right but yet are being told everything is fine, you child is just high spirited or likes to daydream....
Or parents who know their child is struggling more than they should be but yet they don't meet the criteria which offers support to them to thrive and reach their best.
When looking into this more this is when I came across Neuro Developmental Therapy and as a Paediatric nurse this made perfect sense to me.
Our primitive reflexes begin in-utero and are present at birth. During the first year of life, primitive reflexes should become inhibited, making way for the mature development of postural reflexes.
However, for a variety of reasons, sometimes these primitive reflexes are retained, known as Neuro Developmental Delay (NDD), which contribute to difficulties in some areas, which you may observe in your child as one or more of those listed above.
This is at foundation developmental level so it these reflexes are not inhibited they remain with us into adulthood. We develop compensatory mechanisms to mask these reflexes however they can reappear or present in adults in the form of high anxiety levels, or difficulties focusing on one topic or task.
Neuro Developmental Therapy is an effective non-invasive programme of movements which aims to promote development of the nervous system, reducing difficulties experienced. Studies of children having followed a programme of NDT have shown significant improvements in emotional well-being, social interaction, coordination, learning and concentration.
For more information on NDT, visit The Irish Association of Neuro Developmental Therapists.